The law Office of Cory Strolla, P.A. is committed to representing those Probationers who have violated their Probation or are about to be violated by their Probation Officers.First, the Probationer must understand they have due process rights. The Probationer must have notice of the condition for which the violation is alleged. Probationers must not be misled by rules that have ambiguous or subjective meanings, which their Probation Officers may attach to their probation order or requirements.

Second, the Probationer must have notice of the violation, and be properly charged with the violation. This means the warrant or affidavit of violation must be specific and all the terms must be clear. Moreover, a trial court cannot find a violation of a Probationer for a term not contained within their probation order or alleged within the warrant or affidavit.

In Florida the most common types of Probation Violations are substantive and technical. Substantive violations occur when the Probationer commits a new crime violation. Technical violations occur when the Probationer omits to complete a condition or willfully violates a condition of his probation.

Florida law allows a Probationer to receive the maximum penalty, which the Probationer faced when the original criminal charge was filed.

Free consultation 24/7: Call West Palm Beach criminal defense lawyer Cory Strolla P.A. at (561) 802-8987. Se habla español.