At the law firm of Cory Strolla , P.A., in West Palm Beach, Florida, we represent people charged with aggravated battery and assault. Circumstances leading to this charge include assault or battery involving:

  • Firearms
  • Victims over the age 64
  • Victims under the age of 18
  • Severe injuries, such as broken bones, serious scars, or disfigurement

If you were charged with aggravated battery, it is important to contact a lawyer that understands the seriousness of the charge and knows how to defend against it. At Cory Strolla , P.A., we have extensive experience representing people charged with aggravated assault and battery. Our defense team reviews the evidence and conducts private investigations in order to find holes in the prosecution’s case.

In Florida criminal law, a motive to hurt another individual is a major factor in the prosecution’s case. If you had no motive to seriously injure another person, the charges can be reduced or dropped. Attorney Cory Strolla has handled many aggravated battery and assault cases. He can often identify the true motive behind the charge, including lying to win a child custody battle or property dispute.
Reducing the Consequences of Aggravated Battery

Aggravated battery charges result in serious penalties, including a mandatory minimum prison sentence of three years for pointing a gun at someone. If the gun is fired, the minimum sentence is 20 years. If the victim dies, our clients face life in prison.

We encourage our clients to immediately complete community service hours, enter a gun safety course and write a letter of apology to the victim. By being proactive, show the prosecution your true character and work with them to reduce some of the consequences.
Castle Doctrine Law

The Florida legislature recently passed a law allowing people to conceal and carry a firearm in their home or car. If you feel threatened in your home, you may use the gun in self defense. As an experienced criminal defense lawyer, Strolla Law, P.A., commonly uses this defense to protect his clients’ rights and eliminate the aggravated battery or assault charge.

Free consultation 24/7: Call West Palm Beach criminal defense lawyer Cory Strolla , P.A. at (561) 802-8987. Se habla español.